- New Life Clinic1736 Picasso Avenue
Suite B
Davis CA 95618530-756-8802 Clinic Hours
Mon - Fri10am – 5pmSat9am – 12pm
- Testimonials
January 14, 2022
I have been going to Dr. Li for 10 years now. Myself and my family have seen him for many different things over these last 10 years and Dr Li has helped us with everything from post partum depression, hormonal issues, PCOS, sleep apnea, anxiety, depression and many other things. There are so many thing that he is able to help with, TCM is so wonderful because it works on the source of the problem in the
... Read more »1/27/22
I’m grateful and lucky to have found Dr. Li. He is knowledgeable and competent in his profession. I have gone to see Dr. Li since 2013 for various health issues including digestive problems. I had fainting spells before coming to see him. The digestive issues for as long as I can remember so it took the longest time to correct. Recently, I hurt my shoulder to the point where I could barely lift my right arm and couldn’t drive
... Read more »8/31/2021
Dr. Li is amazing, I started seeing Dr. Li in 2018 for Acupuncture after an accident involving a roof a ladder, and a shattered ankle in 2017. My western medical team just could not seem to get my pain under control and the medicine they had me taking had some serious side effects. Dr. Li with his magic needles had my pain under control in a few short months. In October of 2020, I was experiencing severe Sciatic
... Read more »This may be useful to some friends. My knee problem has been ongoing for 3 years. I was asked to take pain killer medicine after arthroscopic surgery. I followed it until I visited Chinese Muslim acupuncture Dr. FATIMA near old Bhatbhateni in Kathmandu, Nepal. I was flying pain free after first visit. I visited her for 5 times in summer 2012. Here at Davis, CA, I visited Davis Community Acupuncture for 2 years. I started seeing Dr. Baoping Li at
... Read more »I’m thrilled to have found Dr. Li! When I asked my dog’s veterinarian, Dr. Jodi Van Tine, DVM, MA, CVA, CVHM, who she’d recommend for acupuncture treatments for humans, she immediately and without hesitation stated Dr. Li was at the top of her list.
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I’d been suffering from physical exhaustion for months and was unsuccessful in having the root cause properly diagnosed by the Western practitioners I’d been consulting. From the onset, Dr. Li was able to pinpoint throughAcupuncture, to be honest, was not one of my personal care priorities until I went to Dr. Li. I have now been a patient of Dr. Li’s for over 6 years now, and cannot emphasize enough how much he and his lovely wife have helped me.
I first came to Dr. Li for help with sciatica and IT band. The pain was so bad from both that I had problems sleeping at night and I could not run any
... Read more »Thank you Doctor Li. Once again you have come through for me. When I came in on April 16 I was dealing/suffering with a flare-up of rosacea. After my first treatment, within 2 hours, most of the burning was gone. After 5 treatments, over 2 weeks, all of my symptoms were greatly reduced or completely gone. TCM deals with this skin disease, while Western medicine has few answers currently.
Thanks again,
Lynn R.
Prior to seeing Dr. Li for acupuncture, I was constantly sick. I had pneumonia multiple times, and had so much anxiety that I couldn’t sleep well at night. I was constantly on antibiotics, but my cough still persisted. Dr. Li has a strong background in both Western and Eastern medicine; he is adept at designing treatment plans that do not interfere with, but enhance, treatments already begun using traditional methods. I was most impressed by Dr. Li’s individualized treatment program
... Read more » -
Latest Articles:
- • Strategies to Stay Calm and Joyful During the Season •
- • How to Stay Mentally Resilient in the Colder Months •
- • Three Delicious and Healthy Soup Recipes to Keep Warm This Winter •
How to Stay Healthy As Winter Changes to Spring
For most people, the change of seasons from winter to spring is something to look forward to. But it also means a time when people tend to get sick or seasonal allergies start to flare up. This can make things miserable for a lot of people. As the weather fluctuates between freezing cold and warmer, sunnier days, it also wreaks havoc on our immune system and our sleep. Frequently, our bodies can’t keep up with the constant changes and we get physically run down. But there are some things everybody can do to help during the time of transition from one season to the next. continue reading
Acupuncture for Boosting Your Circulation
Healthy blood circulation is a vital component of life for human beings. Without proper blood flow, life would cease to exist. Blood isn’t the only thing that’s important, it’s what the blood is carrying that makes circulation so important. Blood carries fresh oxygen, hormones and nutrients that we absorb from our food. Without these components, the organs and tissues of the body become depleted, weakened and eventually stop functioning. Any blockages in the veins and arteries can deprive the brain and the rest of the body from the needed oxygen, which can then lead to a plethora of other medical issues. continue reading
5 Acupoints to Help You Navigate Your Stress This Winter
There are several acupressure points that are known to treat stress and stress related symptoms. It’s important to understand that acupressure is not the only form of treatment and having a balanced diet, exercise regime and lifestyle will also decrease the chances of stress being a factor in your life. continue reading
Stay Healthy This Winter with a Balanced Qi
Winter’s element is water and is associated with the kidneys, which in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is considered the source of all qi and energy within the body. Winter is also associated with the bladder and adrenal glands.
Focusing on inner reflection, rest, energy conservation and storage during the winter months is when it’s most important as it helps us to properly nourish our Kidney Qi.
Below are a few methods you can learn about and apply during this season in order to maintain a balanced qi. continue reading
Winter Acupuncture: Governing Vessel 14
Governing Vessel 14 is called The Great Hammer. This point is located below C 7 on the spine. C 7, the seventh cervical vertebrae is the one which is the most prominent. Traditionally the vertebrae were referred to as hammers because of their resemblance to the tool. This point is great because it is the intersecting point for all of the Yang meridians in the body. In winter time, this point is often used to treat colds and other illnesses that are common this time of year. continue reading
Five Self Care Tips for Winter
Traditional Chinese medicine teaches that humans should live in harmony with the seasons. According to traditional Chinese medicine there are five seasons: winter, spring, summer, late summer and fall. Each season has many associations that help us change our habits, allowing for a more balanced mind and body. When these systems were being developed, people were living in harmony with nature. People rose with the sun, ate what was available during the different seasons and they were much more aware of their natural environment. What to wear, when to wake up, when to go to sleep and what activities to engage in were all dependent on the weather and the environment. Because of this, people were capable of staying healthy throughout the year and their immune and organ systems were strong enough to ward off disease. continue reading
Acupuncture for Kids
Most kids, as well as a lot of adults, are afraid of needles. So the pairing of acupuncture and kids might not be an obvious one. However, more and more parents are seeking alternative methods of treatment for their children, because our conventional medical system is faltering a bit. Pharmaceuticals are proving to be more harmful than beneficial for many people, especially kids, whose brains and bodies aren’t yet fully developed. continue reading
3 Reasons Acupuncture Supports Couples Facing Infertility
When you consider all the changes in our agricultural practices, the increased number of medications we take, as well as our dependence on plastic and technology that is constantly emitting low-grade radiation, it’s no surprise more couples are having trouble conceiving. Current statistics show one in six couples who are trying to conceive are facing fertility issues. And while many times infertility is thought of as a female issue, it is really a factor for both the man and woman and should therefore be addressed as such. continue reading
Five Self Care Tips for Fall
Fall is a favorite season for many people. The weather starts getting a little cooler, things are beginning to slow down and preparations for the holidays are in full swing. For many others, fall is not so festive. Many people get sick during the fall months, allergies can flare up for some, and many don’t like the steady decrease in hours of sunlight, sometimes leading to seasonal depression. Here are some tips on how to get through the season without incident. continue reading
TCM and Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that disrupts normal function of the epithelial cells in the body. Epithelial cells line the passageways of many of our vital organs, including the lungs, liver, kidneys, reproductive system and the skin. Those who have cystic fibrosis have a defective gene that impairs epithelial cell function. This can lead to a buildup of sticky mucus throughout the body that may eventually lead to lung damage and chronic coughing, affecting how patients with cystic fibrosis breathe and filter air, digest their food and absorb the nutrients from that food. In the United States alone, there are nearly 12 million people who suffer from this disease. Unfortunately, there is no known cure and most of those affected with the disease only live into their 20s and 30s. Current modern medicine treatments focus on increasing the quality of life by managing symptoms. continue reading