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Alternative Treatment for IBS

peppermint-tea-1109Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common disease suffered by an estimated 25-45 million people in the United States. Symptoms include chronic abdominal pain, bloating, excess gas and irregular bowel movements. Symptoms can be brought on by a number of triggers including anxiety, insomnia and stress. Although there is no known cure to IBS, there are numerous alternative treatments to prescription medication that can help relieve symptoms. continue reading »

Alternative Treatments for Fertility

pregnant-422982About 10 percent of couples struggle with infertility and an inability to conceive, according to the Centers for Disease Control. For those struggling to have children, fertility treatment can become tiring and expensive very quickly. There are numerous alternative treatments including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that have been thought to improve fertility. continue reading »

The 7 Secrets You Never Knew About Acupuncture

acu-03092015There’s a certain level of mysticism surrounding the ancient holistic practice of acupuncture. Those who haven’t tried it may view it as some sham practice with no real value or benefit. On the other hand, those who have tried are fully aware of its powerful effects on the human body.

#1) There Are Hundreds of Acupuncture Points Throughout The Body

Acupuncture is typically performed on specific points throughout the body, including points both along the meridian and outside the meridian. The number of acupuncture points continues to change on a regular basis, but the latest estimate is around 695 (not including ear treatments). continue reading »

Ways To Ring In The Chinese New Year


Part of celebrating the Chinese New Year (February 19) involves cleaning. Traditionally, homes are cleaned before the New Year, but sweeping and dusting isn’t done until the third day after New Year out of fear that good fortune will be swept away. The floors can be swept, starting by brushing the dust and dirt towards the middle of the house or building. Once the debris is piled into the center, it’s moved to the corners where it remains until the fifth day, at which point it can be thrown out. continue reading »

2015: Year of The Goat

3250264788_cd7d359095_z2015 is the Year of The Goat in Chinese astrology. Ranking eighth in the long list of animals tied to the Chinese zodiac, people who are born under this sign are said to be calm, mild-mannered, good-hearted, sympathetic, dependable and intelligent. They also prefer to avoid being the center of attention – a trait that’s rare among other Chinese zodiacs. Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the characteristics of the Year of The Goat. continue reading »

Acupuncture Erases Pain: Here’s How It Works

meridian-woman-011215The thought of treating pain by sticking yourself with dozens of tiny needles might sound like a misnomer. After all, wouldn’t this make the problem worse by creating more pain? The holistic practice of acupuncture is a safe and effective solution for relieving pain. Whether it’s chronic or temporary pain, acupuncture has proven effective time and time again at relieving pain. continue reading »

Can Acupuncture Really Help You Lose Weight?

belly-2354_1920-12-29-14Obesity remains a top concern among health professionals in the U.S. According to a study published in the Journal of American Medicine (JAMA), more than one third of adults in the U.S. are clinically obese (source). People who fall under this category are more likely to develop heart disease, diabetes, and even certain types of cancer.

While there’s no substitution for exercise and a well-balanced diet, the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture may promote weight loss in adults battling obesity. Numerous studies have reinforced the belief that acupuncture can aid in weight loss. So instead of embarking on a potentially dangerous “fad” diet, such as an all-liquid lemon detox diet, consider acupuncture treatment to assist in your weight loss efforts.  continue reading »

Tour de France Winner Gains Edge With Acupuncture

Vincenzo Nibali-01
Vincenzo Nibali TDF2012 by Denismenchov08

In case you didn’t get the memo, 29-year-old Vincenzo Nibali of Sicily, Italy won the 2014 Tour de France last month. Rightfully known as the “Shark of Messina,” he was able to outperform 218 other cyclists to finish first in the world’s largest bike race. Nabili finished the race with a lead of more than seven minutes, which is the biggest winning margin since 1997.

But here’s something that you probably didn’t know about Nabili and his team: they were the only team at the 2014 Tour de France to bring their own licensed acupuncturist. Throughout the course of the physically enduring race, an acupuncturist treated Nabili and his team, usually twice a day. Nabili and his team would receive a treatment in the morning before they raced and another at night while they were relaxing and resting in the hotel.  continue reading »

Can Acupuncture Help Treat Depression?

acupuncture-depression-01Depression is a serious medical illness that can lower a person’s quality of life while contributing to the onset of symptoms such as headache, insomnia, fatigue, and malnutrition. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 1 in 10 adults in the U.S. say they are depressed. Depression a growing problem that’s often masked with prescription drugs, forcing some to look for alternative forms of treatment.

Most cases of depression are treated with prescription drugs that trigger a range of problems of their own. Fluoxetine, ertraline, paroxetine, fluvoxamine, citalopram, and escitalopram are just a handful of the most frequently prescribed antidepressants, all of which have a long list of adverse side effects. However, researchers are now saying that acupuncture may effectively treat depression in some individuals. continue reading »

New Study Reveals Acupuncture Benefits For Women In Menopause

menopause-acupuncture-01Natural menopause – the absence of menstruation for longer than 12 months – often comes with a wide range of unpleasant symptoms, such as insomnia, anxiety, irritability, night sweats, and of course hot flashes. However, a recent study found acupuncture to reduce or even eliminate some of these systems, improving quality life and reducing stress/anxiety in women going through menopause.

Researchers at Taipei Medical University in Taiwan monitored 869 participants who are were going through menopause while using 12 different treatment methods. One of the 12 treatment methods was acupuncture, which surprisingly proved to be the most effective at relieving the discomfort associated with menopause.  continue reading »

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