- New Life Clinic1736 Picasso Avenue
Suite B
Davis CA 95618530-756-8802 Clinic Hours
Mon - Fri10am – 5pmSat9am – 12pm
- Testimonials
January 14, 2022
I have been going to Dr. Li for 10 years now. Myself and my family have seen him for many different things over these last 10 years and Dr Li has helped us with everything from post partum depression, hormonal issues, PCOS, sleep apnea, anxiety, depression and many other things. There are so many thing that he is able to help with, TCM is so wonderful because it works on the source of the problem in the
... Read more »1/27/22
I’m grateful and lucky to have found Dr. Li. He is knowledgeable and competent in his profession. I have gone to see Dr. Li since 2013 for various health issues including digestive problems. I had fainting spells before coming to see him. The digestive issues for as long as I can remember so it took the longest time to correct. Recently, I hurt my shoulder to the point where I could barely lift my right arm and couldn’t drive
... Read more »8/31/2021
Dr. Li is amazing, I started seeing Dr. Li in 2018 for Acupuncture after an accident involving a roof a ladder, and a shattered ankle in 2017. My western medical team just could not seem to get my pain under control and the medicine they had me taking had some serious side effects. Dr. Li with his magic needles had my pain under control in a few short months. In October of 2020, I was experiencing severe Sciatic
... Read more »This may be useful to some friends. My knee problem has been ongoing for 3 years. I was asked to take pain killer medicine after arthroscopic surgery. I followed it until I visited Chinese Muslim acupuncture Dr. FATIMA near old Bhatbhateni in Kathmandu, Nepal. I was flying pain free after first visit. I visited her for 5 times in summer 2012. Here at Davis, CA, I visited Davis Community Acupuncture for 2 years. I started seeing Dr. Baoping Li at
... Read more »I’m thrilled to have found Dr. Li! When I asked my dog’s veterinarian, Dr. Jodi Van Tine, DVM, MA, CVA, CVHM, who she’d recommend for acupuncture treatments for humans, she immediately and without hesitation stated Dr. Li was at the top of her list.
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I’d been suffering from physical exhaustion for months and was unsuccessful in having the root cause properly diagnosed by the Western practitioners I’d been consulting. From the onset, Dr. Li was able to pinpoint throughAcupuncture, to be honest, was not one of my personal care priorities until I went to Dr. Li. I have now been a patient of Dr. Li’s for over 6 years now, and cannot emphasize enough how much he and his lovely wife have helped me.
I first came to Dr. Li for help with sciatica and IT band. The pain was so bad from both that I had problems sleeping at night and I could not run any
... Read more »Thank you Doctor Li. Once again you have come through for me. When I came in on April 16 I was dealing/suffering with a flare-up of rosacea. After my first treatment, within 2 hours, most of the burning was gone. After 5 treatments, over 2 weeks, all of my symptoms were greatly reduced or completely gone. TCM deals with this skin disease, while Western medicine has few answers currently.
Thanks again,
Lynn R.
Prior to seeing Dr. Li for acupuncture, I was constantly sick. I had pneumonia multiple times, and had so much anxiety that I couldn’t sleep well at night. I was constantly on antibiotics, but my cough still persisted. Dr. Li has a strong background in both Western and Eastern medicine; he is adept at designing treatment plans that do not interfere with, but enhance, treatments already begun using traditional methods. I was most impressed by Dr. Li’s individualized treatment program
... Read more » -
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7 Things You Should Know About Acupuncture and Pregnancy
Acupuncture involves the placement of thin sterilized needles to stimulate various acupoints throughout the body. The stimulation of these areas is believed to correct imbalances and blockages in the body by promoting the healthy flow of energy (known as qi – pronounced CHEE).
The thought of having half a dozen or more tiny needles sticking into your skin when you’re pregnant, might sound frightening. However, it’s actually a safe, painless, straightforward procedure that can treat a number of adverse symptoms associated with pregnancy. continue reading
3 Tips to Easily Alleviate Your Stress Immediately
Stress from day-to-day life can have an extremely negative impact on our health, emotionally, mentally, and physically as well. Long-term or extreme stress can result in frequent or chronic headaches, muscle aches, sleeplessness, anxiety, fatigue, depression, etc. All of these problems only present even more problems to our health and overall well-being. How can we prevent stress from our everyday lives from becoming a much larger problem in our lives?
In the interest of being helpful, I have compiled my favorite 3 tips to easily alleviate your stress, hopefully to the benefit of many individuals suffering from stress-related ailments in their lives. continue reading
Lose weight this summer with acupuncture
One of the vexing aspects of the approach of summer is how you can obtain your “swimsuit body.” While the winter months, especially around the holidays, are a time for putting on some weight, the summer months are reserved for strenuous activity, especially on the beach. continue reading
Acupuncture Has Been Found to Treat Migraines
People who suffer from regular migraines know what it feels like to be in pain. Many people just look for any over-the-counter medication to help take the edge off. Others go to a neurologist for consultation and advice and prescription pills. What if a migraine could be effectively treated without the need for pills or costly specialist visits? The good news for migraine sufferers is that acupuncture has been found to treat migraines, and is an affordable and worthy alternative to medicines and other potential treatment plans. continue reading
Eight Ways To Boost Your Immune System
The ultimate goal of health care is not simply to avoid illness, but to have an abundance of health. If abundant health is a goal of yours, consider how to strengthen your body’s natural defenses.
You can get started on this path today with these Eight Ways To Boost Your Immune System continue reading
Can You Use Acupuncture for Weight Loss?
Everyone is looking for the secret to weight loss, without falling victim to the latest gimmicks. With so many different opinions about how to lose weight, it can be difficult to tell what will really work.
Fortunately there is a technique for weight loss that has been tested for centuries: acupuncture.
This technique is safe, sound and reliable. And, even more exciting, using acupuncture for weight loss helps you lose weight in several different ways. continue reading
The Definitive Guide to Chronic Fatigue and Alternative Treatments
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a mysterious condition. There is no known cause. While the symptoms can be debilitating, there is no test to diagnosis it. Women are twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with CFS. And most sufferers are between 25 and 45 years old, although there are cases in childhood and middle age.
Some people with CFS live active lives while 25% of the cases are disabled. Sometimes the disease is persistent and other times there is a pattern of relapse and remission. No one knows how many cases there are of CFS because The CFIDS Association of America estimates that fewer than 20 percent of CFS patients in the United States have been properly diagnosed.
CFS has several names. It is called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS). No matter what it is called, the most effective way to manage chronic fatigue is with alternative treatments. continue reading
What Five Star Restaurants Teach You about Healthy Snacks for Kids
A fine meal at a good restaurant has many details. It uses fresh ingredients and interesting recipes. There is a variety of foods and the presentation is pleasing.
When food is prepared thoughtfully and beautifully, even the most basic meal becomes an experience. You can’t wait to try it. Once you start eating, you want to savor it.
But getting your kids to eat healthy snacks can feel like the opposite. Your child may balk at anything he thinks is healthy. She may be picky or prefer sweet or fatty foods.
You probably wouldn’t say that your child loves the snacks so much they can’t wait to eat them. And savoring them? Not likely.
But sometimes, the solution is easier than it seems.
Think about your snacks like a fine chef. Find ways to prepare your food beautifully. Make common foods seem unusual. Add interesting flavors or combinations.
Sometimes just changing the food a little bit can make your child dig in.
How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy with Acupuncture
When you think of taking care of your teeth, do you think of acupuncture?
You probably don’t and that’s not unusual. Most people believe that brushing, flossing and a trip to the dentist for a cleaning twice a year is a good dental routine. And for most, it is.
But for some people, that routine doesn’t keep their teeth in good shape. Despite good dental hygiene, they continue to have dental issues.
And for others, just going to the dentist is stressful and difficult. It’s hard to get good dental care when you dread your trip to the dentist.
Fortunately, acupuncture can support dental health and make your trip to the dentist easier. continue reading
Sticking to your New Year’s Resolution: The Trick is Not What You Think
It’s New Year’s again. It’s time to make a resolution.
And you know the drill. You set goals. You work on them for a couple of weeks. You begin to flag.
Many times you give up by February.
Your New Year’s resolution becomes a distant memory until the next New Year’s when you feel slightly guilty and begin the whole process again.
If each year you make a resolution and each year you break it, something has to change. The only way this year can be different is if you do something different.
The trick is not changing your resolution. The trick to achieving your resolution is to use an entirely new plan to reach it. continue reading